In a series of studies, I have addressed the association between personality traits and political attitudes and behaviours.
- Bakker, B.N., Lelkes, Y., Malka, A. (2021). Reconsidering the link between personality and political preferences. American Political Science Review, 115(4), 1482-1498. (Open access)
- Bakker, B.N., Schumacher, G., & Rooduijn, M. (2021). The populist appeal. Personality and anti-establishment communication. The Journal of Politics., 83(2), 589-601. (Open access)
- Bakker, B.N., Lelkes, Y. & Malka (2020). Understanding partisan cue receptivity: Tests from predictions from the bounded rationality and expressive utility perspectives. The Journal of Politics. 82(3), 1061-1077. (Open access)
- Bakker, B.N. & Lelkes, Y. (2018). Selling ourselves short. How abbreviated measures of personality change the way we think about personality and politics. The Journal of Politics, 80(4), 1311-1325. (Open access)
- Bakker, B.N. (2017). Personality traits, income and economic ideology. Political Psychology. 38(6): 1025-1041. (Open access). Blog at LSE British Politics and Society; StukRoodVlees
- Bakker, B. N., Klemmensen, R., Nørgaard, A.S., & Schumacher, G. (2016). Stay loyal or exit the party? How openness to experience and extroversion explain vote switching. Political Psychology. 37(3): 419-429. (Open access). Covered on PsyPost, LSE British Politics and Society; StukRoodVlees
- Bakker, B.N., Rooduijn, M., & Schumacher, G. (2016). Personality traits and voting for populist parties: Evidence from the United States, the Netherlands and Germany. European Journal of Political Research. 55 (2): 302-320. (Open access). Covered on: Monkey Cage; The Science Behind Trump; StukRoodVlees (1); StukRoodVlees (2)
- Bakker, B.N., & De Vreese, C.H. (2016). Personality and European Union attitudes: Relationships across European Union attitude dimensions. European Union Politics 17(1): 25-45. (Open access). Covered on: BBC 2 (Daily Politics); Blogs at LSE EUROPP Blog; Democratic Audit UK.
- Bakker, B.N., Hopmann, D.N., & Persson, M. (2015). Personality traits and party identification over time. European Journal of Political Research 54(2), 197-215. (Open access)
Book chapters
- Bakker, B.N. (2022). Personality Approaches to Political Behavior. In Leonie Huddy, Jennifer Jerit, Levy and David Sears (eds). Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. Preprint
- Bakker, B.N., Rooduijn, M., & Schumacher, G. (2016). The populist personality. In John Sides and Henry Farrell (eds). The science of Trump: Explaining the rise of an unlikely candidate. Revised and updated essays from the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage Blog.